Products for Horses and Riders: Grooming Time

Here are three grooming tools for your horses recommended by horse owners.

Susan Friedland, a California horse owner and equestrian blogger, uses the Haas Diva Lambskin Brush on Knight, her off-the-track-Thoroughbred.

Grooming is a great way to develop a deeper connection with every horse in the barn while also giving horse owners and managers a chance to check each horse’s general health. A good brushing knocks dirt and mud from the coat and stimulate circulation, bringing the natural coat oils to the surface. Most tack stores and online shops have brushes of varying sizes, stiffness and functions.

With so many options, often the choice comes down to personal preference, budget and intended use. Equestrian L.A. Sokolowski said she also considers how involved a product is with the industry when making a purchase.

“I prefer using horse products that nurture my industry and give back money by advertising in its publications or sponsoring its events,” she said. “That’s just as important as the product itself.”

Based on an unofficial Facebook survey, horse owners from across the country shared their go-to brushes, and three of those products are highlighted here.

Haas Diva Brush

Susan Friedland, a California horse owner and equestrian blogger, uses the Haas Diva Lambskin Brush on Knight, her off-the-track-Thoroughbred. What makes this soft brush different than others? The lambswool lining that is bordered with high-quality horsehair bristles. The brush creates a glossy coat and is ideal for sensitive areas.

Strip Hair

Spring shedding is a welcome sign to a new season.

Vermont horse owner Karen Heibler recommends the StripHair grooming tool to survive shedding season. Available in two colors—black and red—the grooming tool gives horse owners an option for an “original” or “sensitive” brush to ensure comfort for every horse.


The SleekEZ Shedding tool is another new option for spring grooming. Sokolowski uses the product on the horse she rides in Upstate New York. For barns with multiple pets, this shedding tool is also available in dog and cat sized options.

“It is amazing,” she said.






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