Three Tips on Email and Texting Etiquette

If you don’t have an email list and cell phone number for your clients and potential clients, then you are missing the boat on expanding your communication with your customers. But even in this day and age when email and texting are among the most prevalent forms of communication, there are some rules that need to be followed.

Here are three tips for email and texting etiquette that will help you make sure your messages are received in the manner in which they were meant.

1. Be nice; be careful. Remember, what you type can (and sometimes will) be used against you. Whatever you send out digitally, whether in a personal email, text or on a public medium (social media or blog), is subject to being shared. And it is so simple to do so that sometimes people share things from you that shouldn’t be shared. Or they share things by mistake. Or they share things that you really don’t want shared.

2. Use complete sentences. In this day of smart phones, full keyboards and auto correct, you have no excuse to not use complete sentences, correct punctuation and good grammar in your email correspondence. Your message will be better received and understood, and you will look more professional. And if your content does get shared, you won’t sound uneducated. Just beware of autocorrect changing things that shouldn’t be changed…don’t trust it too much!

3. Use the person’s name. Address your email or text. You can say: “Dear Susie,” “How Are You Susie,” or “Hey Susie,” but use the person’s name. People (and dogs) love to hear their names, and people love to see their names. It makes your message more personal, thus gets the person’s attention. And don’t forget to include who is sending the text just in case you aren’t listed in their phone’s contact database. (“Hey Susie, this is Mary Smith at Twin Ridge Stables. I just wanted to remind you that lessons are cancelled this Saturday due to the holiday. Have a great weekend!”)

With these three tips on email and texting etiquette, your messages will be read more, understood better, and hopefully when shared, will make you sound more professional.






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