Vehicles are valuable, but they also are more easily protected than random equipment. Lock the doors after you use your vehicle and be sure to set the alarm feature if your vehicle has one. Don’t leave the keys in vehicles at any time.
Tips to Prevent Vehicle Theft
- Put commercially available locks on bumper-pull trailer hitches, and padlock goose-neck trailer hitches. Lock doors to the tack area and living quarters. Park trailers and vehicles out of sight from the road as far as possible and under a security camera and light.
2. Keep track of VIN and identification numbers of vehicles and trailers as well as license plate numbers. Horse trailer VIN numbers are usually on the hitch or tongue. Photograph all your equipment (all sides) in case police need to refer to an exact description and color.
3. Adding decals or specific and colorful markers to your trailer can also be a theft deterrent and make it easier to identify if stolen.
4. Don’t publicize anticipated travel plans away from home as that just gives thieves motivation to sneak in while you’re gone.
5. As mentioned in earlier articles, security cameras and security lighting can help deter criminals from entering your property.
Take-Home Message
Vehicles and trailers are valuable items and important for daily farm work. Putting locks on trailers and locking your vehicles is one of the best ways to deter thieves. Keep track of identification numbers, add markers, don’t publicize travel plans, and put up security cameras and lights where possible.