Collection of Horse Farm Maintenance Tips

There is always more to do around a horse facility than there is time to do it. On top of the "gotta do that now" list is the ongoing maintenance needs of any farm or stable. We have collected three of the top articles on common maintenance problems for you.
Credit: Thinkstock Tips for ongoing maintenance on horse farms, focusing on gates and fences.

There is always more to do around a horse facility than there is time to do it. On top of the “gotta do that now” list is the ongoing maintenance needs of any farm or stable. We have collected three of the top articles on common maintenance problems for you.

Tips for Fixing Sagging Gates” is a very popular article for a reason…it seems farms always have to deal with gates that don’t open and close smoothly and close properly. Sometimes something as simple as placing a block of wood on the latching end of the gate can prevent further sagging until you can adjust the post on which the gate hangs and swings.

If you have a double gate where machinery goes into a field you can help prevent sagging by properly installing the gate posts and by placing a “prop” under the center where the gates meet.

Using any kind of wheel to help heavy gates roll rather than be dragged and sag further is another tip from this article.

Another article focusing on this topic is “Tips on Gates and Latches.” This article, written by a Thoroughbred farm manager from Kentucky, looks at placement and types of gates as well as materials gates are made from. The author also talks about different types of latches that are safe for keeping horses in and easy for humans.

Stable Management also has many articles on fencing. These might help you save time as well as money:

Fencing: Geographic Differences

Fencing Types and Costs

Fencing: Do It Yourself Tips

Fencing in Difficult Terrain

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