There has been a recent outbreak of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) in the Upper Midwest. As of April 14, 2014, there were confirmed cases in Minnesota (7), North Dakota (3), Wisconsin (2) and Iowa (1). This emphasizes the need for horse owners to be knowledgeable in the symptoms and prevention of this highly infectious and potently fatal disease.
Michigan State University Extension’s My Horse University and eXtension’s HorseQuest will connect equine owners with a leading expert on equine herpesvirus-1. A free webcast offered April 29 will give an overview of this virus, introduce new developments and suggest prevention strategies for this potentially devastating equine infection.
The live webcast, “Lessons Learned from Recent Equine Herpesvirus-1 Outbreaks,” featuring Dr. Nicolas Pusterla, will be held on Tuesday April 29, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. EDT. Pusterla is the Chief of the Large Animal Medicine Services at the Michigan State University William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. His research focuses on selected aspects of equine infectious diseases with an emphasis on epidemiology, clinical disease understanding, diagnostics, prevention and treatment.
To register for this webcast go to
EHV-1 Quick Facts
- EHV-1 can cause abortions, respiratory and neurological problems in horses
- Almost all adult horses have been exposed to EHV-1
- Vaccines have some efficacy for respiratory and abortion reduction, but no efficacy for neurological disease
- EHV-1 is NOT contagious to other species or humans
- Initial clinical signs of EHV-1 infection may include a fever of 102 degrees F or greater
- Preventing the spread of EHV-1 involves isolation, quarantine and biosecurity measures
“Lessons Learned from Recent Equine Herpesvirus-1 Outbreaks” is a free webcast funded by the USA Equestrian Trust. The USA Equestrian Trust invests in the future of the equine industry by awarding annual grants to equine non-profits.