Jump Ahead With a Jeté!

Schleese Saddlery, long known as a significant player in the dressage saddle market, and specializing in saddles made specifically for women, has now ventured into the hunter/jumper market with its...

Schleese Saddlery, long known as a significant player in the dressage saddle market, and specializing in saddles made specifically for women, has now ventured into the hunter/jumper market with its revolutionary Jeté saddle.

The word Jeté comes from the French and in its verb form (jeter) simply means “to jump.” Jeté itself is a noun and means “the Jump”–in ballet the term “Grand Jeté” connotates a classical leap high in the air in full split extension. That is the feeling Schleese wants to portray with its new saddle–flying through the air at great height!

The Jeté incorporates features never before seen in a jumping saddle, especially in the panel, which is a combination integrated/independent style, allowing full flexibility and freedom at the shoulder. This is particularly important in jumping saddles, traditionally made on the “English spring trees” with their forward facing tree points–which can negatively impact the sensitive area of the horse’s shoulder cartilage. The Jeté saddle with its AdapTree and shoulder relief rear-facing tree points allows both forelegs maximum rotation at the shoulder and freedom to jump higher! Its fully adjustable gullet plate (to accommodate the necessary width and angle over the wither and shoulder area) and wool/synthetic blend of flocking allow complete customization to your horse.

The thigh blocks are either integrated (fixed) or on Velcro for rider adjustability and preference. Seat sizes available in half sizes from 16.5”-18” providing a super close contact feel. The Jeté is available in soft black, brown or ranch (caramel) or in two-tone Italian calfskin in a combination of rider choice. The Jeté offers the rider extreme comfort while ensuring maximum shoulder and back freedom for the horse.

Suggested retail price is $5,495 with a delivery of 12 weeks for pre-orders beginning Oct. 15, 2013. Further information visit us online at www.schleese.com/jete.






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