Golf carts aren’t just for golfers. Large-scale horse shows often offer golf carts for rent to help riders save thousands of steps across sprawling show grounds. They are also popular on horse farms because new model designs enable them to handle gravel, farm roads and rougher terrain. They also can transport smaller items, such as tack, a bale of hale or other equipment. In some geographic locations, they can even be driven on the street, making it an easy vehicle for visiting the neighbor.
Golf carts are either gas or electric-powered. The job and frequency of use will determine which option is right for your horse farm. For example, electric options are suitable for light-duty chores. Gas models are designed for more frequent, heavier use.
Often thought of in terms of transportation and work, golf carts have an added benefit over other small farm vehicles. They can double as fitness equipment for horses. It’s not uncommon for stable owners to lead a horse while driving a golf cart. It’s common at shows to save steps. But it can also be part of an exercise routine, especially for yearlings. It can be a one-person job, or there’s space for a handler to sit on the back and pony from there. Because the golf cart is moving on solid ground and straight lines, it alleviates strain on the joints from lunging.
By design, golf carts tend to be easier to operate and move at slower speeds than side-by-sides or four-wheelers. Safety is still important, but the risk of injury is significantly reduced. There are also fewer moving parts and pieces, making golf carts relatively maintenance-free.
Time is of the essence at every horse barn. Making fewer trips and finding ways to conserve energy on chores is essential for accomplishing a long list of daily to-dos. The golf cart is one tool that can make it quicker and easier to get from point A to point B and get the job done.