2016 Clinton Anderson Clinic Schedule Released

Renowned horseman Clinton Anderson will instruct three levels of horsemanship clinics in 2016 at his Downunder Horsemanship Ranch in Stephenville, Texas, and he will also be teaching three-day Fundamentals Clinics across the country. Spectators are welcome to attend the Fundamentals Clinics held on the road.

Fundamentals Clinic
Participants will gain first-hand knowledge on how to transform a stiff, heavy and unwilling horse into a soft, supple and cooperative partner. They’ll learn exercises to improve their seat, build their confidence and increase their sense of feel and timing–essential ingredients to becoming a skilled horseman. Clinic curriculum focuses on Clinton’s horsemanship philosophy and over 30 groundwork and riding exercises.

Colt Starting Clinic
Clinton will help participants take their young horses from unstarted colts to riding on the trail in 10 days. Clinton’s approach to colt starting, which he learned from his late Australian mentor Gordon McKinlay, is focused on preparation and safety for both horse and rider.

If the idea of participating in the clinic is overwhelming, but the opportunity to have a colt started under Clinton’s tutelage is appealing, there is a limited opportunity for owners of colts to have one of Clinton’s clinicians start their colts for them. Contact Brittney Chamberlain for more information at 254-552-1080 or brittney@downunderhorsemanship.com.

Intermediate Clinic
The second level of Clinton’s horsemanship method focuses on gaining even more control of the horse’s feet on the ground and achieving true lightness and suppleness in the saddle. Emphasis is placed on gaining control of the horse’s five body parts – the head and neck, poll, shoulders, ribcage and hindquarters because total control of the horse’s body results in total confidence and collection.

Immersed in the Method
At clinics, participants live and breathe horsemanship and receive hands-on instruction from Clinton and his clinicians. Clinics begin each day at 9 a.m. and run until 5 p.m., and Clinton’s clinicians are available each morning and evening for additional personalized help. Besides learning essential exercises to gain a horse’s trust, participants learn how to put that knowledge to use in practical settings while working over an obstacle course and on the trail.

For clinics held at the Downunder Horsemanship Ranch in Stephenville, Texas, participants will get to utilize Clinton’s 350-foot outdoor round arena, elaborate obstacle course that includes over 20 challenges, miles of trails and dirt tracks that surround the ranch, and a wi-fi equipped classroom. Participants’ horses are given their own individual runs on the clinic grounds, complete with shelters, automatic waterers, hay mangers and no-tip feeders. Each run has an associated tack/hay/feed storage area.

2016 Downunder Horsemanship Ranch Clinics:
May 6-16: 10-Day Fundamentals Clinic
June 1-11: 10-Day Colt Starting Clinic
Nov. 1-11: 10-Day Intermediate Clinic

2016 Three-Day Fundamentals Clinics:
January 8-10: Globe, Arizona at Apache Gold
January 15-17: Ocala, Florida at Florida Horse Park
February 19-21: Corning, California at Rolling Hills Casino Equestrian Center
April 29 – May 1: Cleveland, Missouri at Lone Wolf Ranch Arena
August 5-7: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania at Farm Show Complex Equine Arena
August 26-28: Eugene, Oregon at The Oregon Horse Center
October 7-9: Wilmington, Ohio at Roberts Arena

Discover for yourself the innovation, inspiration and instruction that make Clinton Anderson Horsemanship Clinics a once-in-a-lifetime experience. For clinic details visit http://www.walkaboutevents.com/Clinic/ClinicSchedule?Length=0. Contact Brittney Chamberlain for further details at 254-552-1080 or brittney@downunderhorsemanship.com.

Clinton Anderson is a clinician, horse trainer and competitor. He’s dedicated his life to helping others realize their horsemanship dreams and keeping them inspired to achieve their goals. The Downunder Horsemanship method of horse training is based on mutual respect and understanding and gives horse owners the knowledge needed to become skilled horsemen and train their horses to be consistent and willing partners. Clinton instructs horsemanship clinics, presents Walkabout Tours across the country, produces a television show, hosts an internet TV website and is constantly creating comprehensive study kits and training tools to make learning horsemanship as accessible and easy as possible. Discover for yourself how Clinton and the Method can help you achieve your horsemanship dreams at www.downunderhorsemanship.com.






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