ACTHA and Tucker Saddles Team Up for New Award

The American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) has created a new medal award. The Gaited Medal Award dedicated to our gaited horse friends.

July 16, 2013 — The American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) has created a new medal award. The Gaited Medal Award dedicated to our gaited horse friends. As we all know gaited is a trait not a breed. Trail riding is for all. And with the historical abuses gaited horses have had to endure in some circles, it’s grand to let the world know there are other wonderful ways to show the abilities of the wonderful gaited horses of America and Canada.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of gaited horses compete in ACTHA events from coast to coast throughout the year. “It’s about time we honor them for the athletes they are,” said Ann Kinsey, director of operations for ACTHA.

Every gaited horse registered with ACTHA that receives 100 lifetime points will receive a complimentary gaited saddle from ACTHA’s famous foundation sponsor Tucker Saddles! (Saddle has a value of $1,900 m.s.r.p.).

With this show of amazing support, the gaited community will be opening ACTHA’s gate.

“We are deeply grateful for Tucker’s continuing support; five years and going strong.” stated Tom Scrima, ACTHA’s General Manager ( ).

The American Competitive Trail Horse Association is based near Austin, Texas, and for five years has been the following mission:

  • To create an enjoyable venue showcasing the wonderful attributes of the great American trail horse and granting them the recognition they so richly deserve.
  • To create a registry open to all breeds and a point designation system which will stay with each horse for its lifetime, thereby adding to their value and distinction.
  • To create and enable humane treatment options and employment for horses in need.

For 30 years, Tucker has dedicated its business to the development, design and manufacturing of trail saddles that would provide the ultimate in comfort for both rider and horse. Tucker Trail Saddles are the standard in quality and style for trail riders throughout the world.






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