Certified Horsemanship Association Educational Horsemanship Webinars

The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) is making available the professional webinars that were recorded in 2014 to download during the winter for continuing education credit hours you might need for different groups you belong to, such as CHA, or to educate yourself or your clients.

The Certified Horsemanship Association Webinar Series is held monthly with topics ranging from how to handle your taxes in an equine program, marketing your riding program, risk management, equine educational opportunities at colleges/universities, equine insurance needs, equine behavior, how to handle issues on the ground with horses, what to expect at a CHA instructor certification clinic and much more! Click the following link to purchase access to the recordings today http://cha-ahse.org/store/page/219/CHA_Monthly_Webinars.html.

November 2014 – Horses and Hormones: What Mares Have Taught Us About Menopause with Teresa Knight – Chief Medical Officer for Women’s Health Specialists of Saint Louis
October 2014 – Teaching Techniques for Riding Instructors – CHA’s Chief Executive Officer Christy Landwehr
September 2014 – Equine Forage Management Technique; There’s Gold In Those Fields – Pasture and Manure Management with Lynn Bliven from Cornell University
August 2014 – Revealing the Best Kept Secret in (Your Town) – Marketing and Social Media Tactics with Suzi Carragher
July 2014 – The Unwanted Horse Issue and How We Can Help with Jill Montgomery
June 2014 – Equine Behavior with Julie Goodnight
May 2014 – Insurance for the Private Horse Owner and the Equine Professional with Diane Lesher of Equisure
April 2014 – Equine Educational Opportunities at Colleges and Universities with Bob Coleman from University of Kentucky and from West Texas A&M University Amanda Love
March 2014 – Nine Things the IRS Looks for in Your Horse Business with Victoria Long
February 2014 – Risk Management – What You Need to Know about Liability, Contracts and Releases with equine lawyer Julie Fershtman
January 2014 – Preparing to Become a CHA Certified Horseback Riding Instructor Laura Jones – Master CHA Instructor and Clinic Instructor (FREE ACCESS)

CHA Changes Lives Through Safe Experiences with Horses. The purpose of CHA is to promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of the horse industry. CHA certifies instructors and trail guides, accredits equestrian facilities, publishes educational manuals, produces educational horsemanship DVDs and hosts regional and international conferences. For more information on the Certified Horsemanship Association, please visit www.CHA-ahse.org or call 859-259-3399. To find a certified horseback riding instructor or accredited equine facility near you visit www.CHAinstructors.com.






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