ColiCare Helped Me Save My Horse’s Life

Kelsey Herring is a lifelong rider, and is living her dream as a rider and student at Clemson University in South Carolina. But this past spring, she was living every horse owner’s nightmare when she got the news that her horse had to go to colic surgery. While the uncertainty was scary, Kelsey knew she had one thing by her side—she had ColiCare.

“When I got that call (that he needed surgery), I was very scared, but having the ColiCare program there to support me through the whole process was a weight off my shoulders,” said Herring. “I had first heard about the ColiCare program from my vet, Dr. Liz Maloney. She had recommended it, and I thought it’d be nice to have the $7,500 of colic surgery reimbursement if anything were to happen. But I never dreamt I’d actually have to use it. As it turned out, having that coverage meant I didn’t have to make that extreme decision– there was no second guessing; he was getting the surgery. We were going to do everything we could to save him.”

The ColiCare program is open to horses that are fed any of the four ColiCare eligible products in SmartPaks: SmartDigest Ultra, SmartGI Ultra, SmartCombo Ultra and SmartCombo Senior Ultra. Horses enrolled in the ColiCare program are required to participate in a veterinarian-directed wellness program. These Annual Wellness Requirements include vaccinations administered by a veterinarian, physical and dental exams performed by a veterinarian, and a veterinarian-directed deworming program that includes at least one fecal test and two deworming administrations per year.

Should the horse ever need to go to surgery, filing a claim through ColiCare is simple and easy. Start by calling SmartPak to initiate the claim, and SmartPak will provide you with two forms for the veterinarian and surgeon to fill out. Once the claim is approved, a reimbursement check will be mailed within five to seven business days.

“When it came to the reimbursement, filing the claim with SmartPak was really easy,” said Herring. “It just felt like you were calling a friend. All the SmartPakers were really concerned about how Kat was doing and how I was doing. So, it was really nice to have a little support system there.

“When Kat came home, walking him back into his own stall was very emotional. I was so relieved and so happy to have him back,” she added. “He’s doing great in his recovery; we’re back in light work and focusing on building up his muscle. I’m so looking forward to getting him back out on trail rides and eventing.

“Looking back on everything, I’m so grateful everything was so smooth,” she said. “I’ll definitely keep Kat on SmartDigest Ultra, and I’m keeping my mare, Lex, on it as well. For me, the main benefit of the program is the daily digestive support. My horses move with me between New England and South Carolina, and I know changing environments, traveling and competing all can lead to digestive stress. While I know firsthand that nothing can completely prevent colic, I firmly believe that supporting digestive health is a smart choice for my horses.

“I’ve told all my friends about ColiCare, and I’m sure half the horses in the barn are enrolled by now,” she stressed. “I would 100% recommend it to anyone. It’s simply worth it.”

Want to protect your horse? Visit online at or by calling 1-888-752-5171 to learn more about the ColiCare program.

From the feed room to the tack room, SmartPak offers innovative solutions to help riders take great care of their horses. SmartPak was founded in 1999 with the introduction of the patented SmartPak supplement feeding system. The revolutionary, daily dose SmartPaks are custom-made for your horse, individually labeled and sealed for freshness. With the success of this simple and convenient feeding system, SmartPak has continued to expand its offering of quality products, including its own line of more than 55 supplement formulas called SmartSupplements, and a wide variety of tack, equipment, and supplies. The company has grown rapidly each year and is now the largest retailer of equestrian products in the United States. SmartPak’s success has been powered by a passion for delivering an unbeatable customer experience, and the company has been recognized with a Bizrate Circle of Excellence award as well as an “Elite” rating from STELLAService. A nine-time Inc. 500/5000 honoree, SmartPak is the only equine company ever named to the Inc. 500 list.






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