June 18, 2013 – The devastating tornadoes in Oklahoma in recent weeks have brought many challenges to The Animal Resource Center (ARC) in Oklahoma City. The agency is caring for hundreds of animals displaced by storms, including dozens of motherless young animals. Feeding baby animals was an immediate concern for ARC officials, and in response, Manna Pro Products LLC, an animal nutrition and feed company, donated a truckload of food formulated for nursing and adult animals.
Manna Pro shipped milk replacer, feed and bagged hay from its Kansas City facility. The food arrived on May 30, a few days before the second twister hit Oklahoma City. The ARC has now taken on additional animals displaced by the most recent storm.
“We are happy to do our part to make sure that the animals, particularly the vulnerable young animals, are getting high-quality nutrition now,” said John Howe, president of Manna Pro Products. “The ARC had originally contacted us asking for NurseAll, a milk replacer for young animals which can be used to feed 11 different animal species, including kittens, puppies, foals, calves and baby pigs. We asked if they needed adult animal feed as well, and they did. So we sent them equine feed, bagged hay and Calf-Manna, which is a nutritional supplement that can also be used for many different animal species.”
In addition to housing animals, ARC is also offering displaced people shelter for the night. ARC asks that donations be made to a related organization at the same location: A New Leash on Life. Donors should specify that the contribution is for tornado relief. Donations can be made online at www.newleaseinc.org or mailed to 7949 S I-35 Service Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73149.
More information about ARC can be found at www.arcokc.org or by calling 405-604-2892. Due to the volume of calls ARC is receiving from owners trying to reconnect with their animals, and from volunteers scheduling shifts, the agency prefers non-urgent communications to be mailed or emailed to info@arcokc.org.