Editor Kimberly S. Brown to Be a Keynote Speaker at the 2015 Certified Horsemanship Association International Conference

The Certified Horsemanship Association is thrilled to announce that the editor and associate publisher of Stable Management and EquiManagement magazines Kimberly S. Brown will be the Keynote speaker on the opening day of the CHA International Conference on October 22. The conference is set to run through October 25 in Amarillo, Texas, at the AQHA Hall of Fame Museum and at West Texas A&M University. CHA members and non-members alike have already started registering for this once-a-year event.

Brown will present “Luck is Where Preparation Meets Opportunity.” “Lots of people say they are ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ when it comes to their careers,” said Brown. “I have always believed that when you prepare for opportunities, and are alert for opportunities, that when they come knocking on your front door—or come sneaking in the barn window—that you are better able to not only recognize them, but take advantage of them! We are going to focus on networking and hands-on practice on how to make networking opportunities work for you.

“This is going to be a very interactive, hands-on, fun session that should not only give you some new tools in your preparation toolbox, but can actually send you home with some opportunities,” said Brown, who is attending her first CHA International Conference.

“I’m really looking forward to not only meeting everyone, but attending some of the other presentations,” she said. Other speakers include Master Level Certified Instructors, veterinarians, trainers, farriers, equine behaviorists and other equine professionals.

Brown has worked in equine publishing for more than 35 years. She is currently the Associate Publisher/Editor for two publications owned by Active Interest Media (AIM) that focus on the business side of the equine industry. Stable Management magazine is for farm/stable owners and riding instructors. EquiManagement magazine offers business education for equine veterinarians and their staff.

Brown’s equine journalism career began in 1980 when she started working at Blood-Horse Publications in Lexington, Kentucky. She spent almost 30 years there—the first 15 with The Blood-Horse magazine, ending up as a Contributing Editor, and the second 15 developing The Horse: Your Guide To Equine Health Care as the Publisher/Editor. Brown then joined Kentucky Equine Research as Global Marketing Manager, and while there she led the team that created award-winning newsletters and videos, launched a new content-driven educational website, and developed an e-commerce site. Brown then ran her own marketing/content development company, The Homestead Information Network, Inc. (THIN Inc.), for a short time before accepting a full-time position with AIM’s Equine Network in 2012. Brown and her musician husband, Ben, moved from Kentucky to Wyoming and are enjoying the outdoors riding horses, camping, cycling, hiking, fishing, canoeing and rockhounding.

To attend the CHA International Conference, register online at http://cha-ahse.org/store/categories/CHA_International_Conference/. For more information on the event, visit http://cha-ahse.org/store/pages/47/International_Conference.html. For questions, please contact CHA’s headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky, at 859-259-3399 or email info@CHA-ahse.org.

CHA Changes Lives Through Safe Experiences with Horses.

The purpose of CHA is to promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of the horse industry. CHA certifies instructors and trail guides, accredits equestrian facilities, publishes educational manuals, produces educational horsemanship DVDs and YouTube Safety shorts, and hosts regional and international conferences. For more information on the Certified Horsemanship Association, please visit www.CHA-ahse.org or call 859-259-3399. To find a certified horseback riding instructor or accredited equine facility near you, visit www.CHAinstructors.com.






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