Equi-Taping, The Art & Science of Equine Kinesiology Taping Achieves Milestone

The Equi-Tape Education Team is proud to announce the completion of its 18th Equi-Taping Certification Course with the conclusion of its Vashon Island Course, Queensland Australia Course and its Puslinch Ontario Course. In 2015 there will be three more certification courses held, including Derbyshire, England, Elizabeth, Colorado, with the final course of 2015 being held at the beautiful B.W. Furlong and Associates veterinary clinic in Oldwick, New Jersey, the weekend of October 3-4, said James Ruder, Director of Equi-Tape Educational Services.

With our 2015 course schedule coming to an end, we have achieved our two-year milestone by having trained over 300 equine veterinarians, physiotherapists, certified equine massage therapists and equine chiropractors. Dr. Beverly Gordon, founder and developer of Equi-Tape and creator of the Equi-Taping Methodology, is very pleased with the global acceptance of our courses’ Certification curriculum.

Gordon went on to say, “We have a wonderful team of educators and instructors who have the passion and commitment to share their knowledge and real-life experiences using the Equi-Taping modality. It is very rewarding to receive heartfelt testimonials from our Equi-Taping practitioners, along with stories of taping successes from their clients. Seeing the positive effects Equi-Taping can have in the lives of the animals makes our hard work, and that of our instructors, very worthwhile.”

“On a global scale, the benefits of kinesiology taping in equine training and rehabilitation is changing how the equestrian community views this up and coming modality, and it is quickly becoming main stream,” said Ruder. “While taping horses can be accomplished by anyone, and simple taping strategies can produce wonderful results, certified equine taping practitioners knowledgeable in proper assessment, taping techniques and applications offer the greatest successes in the field. As kinesiology taping grows as a modality, it is fundamentally important to the global equestrian community that taping practitioners educate themselves properly. Equi-Taping Methodology addresses this issue by offering CEU accredited Certification Courses. What sets these equine taping courses apart from others is the quality of the curriculum, the case studies and practicums, and the community of collaboration within our health care practitioners. Our Equi-Taping Educational team will continue its commitment toward excellence by offering the global equestrian community superior educational information and by supporting and producing qualified Equi-Taping practitioners.”

RSB Animal Health in cooperation with Dr. Beverly Gordon and The Horse In Motion, LLC, is the exclusive worldwide licensee of the Equi-Tape brand. To learn more about Equi-Tape and the Equi-Taping Certification Courses, please call us toll free at 877-288-1760 or visit us at www.equi-tape.com.






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