Free On-Demand Webinar Scientifically Defines the Horse’s Healing Impact on Humans

This free, on-demand educational presentation describes scientific research that shows how therapy utilizing the motion imparted while sitting astride a horse has significant impact on the head and trunk stability for children with movement disorders. The research clearly demonstrated that young children with cerebral palsy experienced impressive improvements that also extended to progress their arm and hand control. These therapeutic benefits indeed go a long way to support the notion of the positive impact of horses on humans.

The study “Changes in Dynamic Trunk/Head Stability and Functional Reach after Hippotherapy” was funded by the Horses and Humans Research Foundation and carried out at Washington University of Medicine, Program in Occupational Therapy St. Louis. Principal Investigator Tim Shurtleff presents this research from its start in the lab to practical sessions with the horses and back to the lab for analysis. The research findings were Published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

A two page companion paper accompanies the webinar and describes the research project and its implications in clear, brief lay language. In easy-to-understand language, we can see how the movement of the horse dynamically affects children with movement disorders. The strengthening of core muscles and increase in head trunk and upper body is measured in a motion lab. The report shows dramatic results–with strong implications regarding increased functionality, health and well-being. The webinar presents evidence that the horse, once known as the ancient symbol for healing, is still impacting today’s modern world. The information presented supports not only the value of the equine assisted therapy, but also the value of the horse’s place in our society.

This webinar was sponsored by The Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust, A KeyBank Trust and is made available to you, on demand (at YOUR convenience) free of charge on the HHRF website at

To make a donation and/or learn more about this and other Horses and Humans Research Foundation projects please email or visit






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