Aug. 21, 2013 — Version 2.0 of the Zoetis EQStable app offers the new Vet Finder feature powered by GlobalVetLINK, providing an interactive map to search for equine veterinary clinics and gas stations within a specified area. The EQStable app is available to download for free on the Apple App Store.
“Our summer trips to shows, lessons and trail rides often take us to new towns and cities with our equine companions,” said Kate Russo, marketing manager, U.S. Cattle and Equine Marketing, Zoetis. “Vet Finder can be a helpful tool in these unfamiliar places when fuel and a veterinarian can quickly become an urgent need.”
Vet Finder places marker icons on a map to show nearby veterinary clinics. With one tap, contact information will be displayed for the selected location. Gas stations are shown on the map with a different marker icon. You also can choose to turn off clinics or gas stations to narrow your search for one or the other.
This new feature complements the app’s other uses for horse owners, such as tracking and sharing rides with friends, getting the latest equine news and logging vaccinations, deworming and dental exams.
“The Zoetis Equine Team hopes that version 2.0 of the EQStable app will put your mind at ease wherever you go with your equine companion,” said Andrea Wright, DVM, MVSc, MBA, marketing manager for equine biologicals at Zoetis. “Now you can find the closest veterinarian when you’re on the road, stay up to date with your veterinarian appointments at home and continue to track and share rides with your friends.”
Enjoy all the fun and organization it has to offer with these key features:
- My Stable prompts horse owners for information about their horse or herd to create individual horse profiles and manage their needs, from vaccinations and exercise to shoeing and deworming. The app automatically creates reminder alerts for upcoming events or appointments.
- Track My Ride gives riders the opportunity to track and save their rides with a ride history log. Riders can name each route and specify the horse they rode and share their ride with friends on Facebook.
- Calendar stores dates of competitions, horse health appointments and events.
- News lists the latest equine industry stories, which users can read with one easy click.
- Horse Health features tips on deworming, vaccination, dentistry and shoeing for a horse or herd.
- GlobalVetLINK provides on-the-go access to digital health certificates (eCVIs), digital EIA (Coggins) certificates and GoPass six-month passports.
- Products lists photos and general information about each Zoetis product.
- Settings lets horse owners tailor their social media share settings and decide which alerts they want to receive for appointments, events and notifications.
- Notifications allows horse owners to receive important information, updates and promotions.
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