AMERICAN HORSE COUNCIL — FEB. 27, 2013 — The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT), is currently seeking nominations for its 2013 achievement awards to recognize outstanding trail projects funded by the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). CRT is a group of national and regional trail-related organizations dedicated to preserving and supporting RTP. The AHC is a member of the CRT.
Since its inception RTP has provided money for thousands of state and local trail projects across the country, including many that benefit equestrians. RTP provides funding directly to the states for recreational trails and trail-related facilities for all recreational trail users. It is funded with a portion of the gas taxes paid into the Highway Trust Fund by recreational off-highway vehicle users.
The CRT awards are intended to highlight the positive impact of RTP. These awards are also a great opportunity to educate lawmakers about the projects happening in their states and districts. All nominated projects must have been undertaken with at least some RTP funds. The awards will be presented in Washington, D.C.during Great Outdoors Week in June.
Attached is additional information about the awards and a nomination form. Please note that the deadline for nominations is March 29, 2013, but supporting materials can be submitted later.
The AHC would like a good showing for projects involving equestrian use, so please be sure to submit any nominations by the March 29th deadline.
If you have any questions please contact Ben Pendergrass at (202) 296-4031 or