“I want to join USPC but I am not sure how to work it into my schedule.” “Is there a membership option that is right for me?”
Now, there is! USPC now offers access to educational programming and opportunities to several different membership types so that everyone can share their love of horses. All levels of membership in The United States Pony Clubs develop character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community. Visit www.ponyclub.org and let Pony Club help you reach your goals.
Participating Membership Options “I want to ride and take part in the fun with my club or center!”
Club/Center Membership Individuals 25 years of age and under who wish to participate in mounted and unmounted meetings, clinics, rallies, certifications, exchanges or other special opportunities do so by becoming a member through a local Pony Club or Pony Club Riding Center.
National Membership For renewing members aged 18-25 who have achieved a certification level of at least a C-2 Horse Management, National Membership is an option. National Members pay dues directly to USPC, instead of at the local or regional level. In order to participate in club, center or regional activities, they must pay-as-they-go.
Horsemasters Membership is a non-traditional participating membership option for anyone over the age of 25 who would like to begin or continue their journey through Pony Club. By joining through a local Pony Club or Pony Club Riding Center or through the Region, members have the same access as traditional participating members to mounted and unmounted programming as well as participation in rallies, certifications, etc. Horsemasters Members must maintain an Annual or Life Corporate Membership to be eligible.
Non-Participating Membership “I am mostly interested in educational offerings, supporting the organization, and staying involved in Pony Club, but I won’t be able to attend regular meetings.”
E-membership in The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. is an interactive, online membership to all things Pony Club and is available for all ages. It allows the member electronic access to the Pony Club News magazine, blog, ShopPonyClub.org and Sponsor special offers, and other educational opportunities. It is a yearly renewable membership. E-membership dues cannot be applied towards any other Pony Club membership.
Corporate Membership is for individuals 18 years or older and is required for Pony Club leaders and Horsemasters’ participants. But is also a great way for parents and other adults to support the work of Pony Club at the national, regional, and club levels. As a Corporate Member you will receive a subscription to Pony Club News, special notices and updates throughout the year, voting privileges at the Annual Meeting, and a yearly membership directory. Corporate Memberships may be purchased online using our secure server, or by downloading a membership form.
Life Membership is a Corporate Membership for life requiring a one-time commitment. Life Membership dues are available at a discount price to Alumni between the ages of 21- 25. Along with the regular Corporate Membership benefits, Life Members also receive a Life Member pin, a certificate and a special gift. All Life Membership contributions go directly to the USPC Endowment Fund to support future generations of Pony Club members. A Life Membership makes a great gift for that special Pony Club enthusiast. Life Memberships may be purchased online for yourself or a gift for another individual.
Alumni Membership is an annual membership for Pony Club graduates of all ages to maintain a connection with Pony Club while supporting the organization at a level below a Corporate Membership. With this membership, you will receive an Alumni Membership pin and on-line access to the Pony Club News magazine and e-News. Most importantly you can continue to be a proud member of Pony Club.
Friend Membership is an annual membership, open to anyone over the age of 18. It is a way for individuals with an interest in Pony Club to proudly support the organization as a member and is ideal for volunteers, instructors or family members who are not required to be a Corporate Member. With this membership, you will receive a Friend Membership pin and on-line access to the Pony Club News magazine and e-News.
Pony Club is the largest equestrian educational organization in the world. The cornerstones of our foundation are education, safety, sportsmanship, stewardship, and FUN. The skills, habits, and values instilled through horsemanship will apply to every part of your life. Good horsemanship extends far beyond skills in the saddle. Pony Club members gain an impressive depth of knowledge in equine behavior, training, health and fitness, nutrition and veterinary care, and the correct uses and maintenance of equipment. Strong business skills are built through stable management: budgeting, record-keeping, and interacting with professionals in the equine industry. Browse the Pony Club website, www.ponyclub.org, to discover all the great things membership can do for you. Chances are, USPC has a membership that fits into your schedule.