Short Time Discount on AHA Registration for Horses Two and Older

Beginning July 1, the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) will offer a discount on registration for horses two and older.

June 25 2013 — Beginning July 1, the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) will offer a discount on registration for horses two and older. Members who register their horses during this period, which ends Dec. 31, 2013, will save $100 on purebred registration, paying only $250, and $40 on Half-Arabian or Anglo-Arabian registration, paying only $75. A discount on registration has only been offered a handful of times in history; do not miss this opportunity!

By extending this offer, the Arabian Horse Association hopes to capture horses that have gone unregistered past the age of two. By adding these horses to our records, we continue the legacy of pedigree recordkeeping started thousands of years ago for Arabian horses.

“Registering your Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian connects them to their breed’s legacy; a very long-lasting, full and rich legacy, every horse has a right to that connection,” says Debbie Fuentes, AHA Registrar and Senior Director of Customer Service. “The discounted registration price allows owners to register their older horses and give them a connection to their lineage, raising the horse’s value and confirming their identity, which helps to ensure they have a better life.”

Registering horses ultimately provides a more thorough genetic picture for breeders and owners to produce the highest quality animals in the future. Registering your horse and transferring its ownership after sale is also helpful in keeping horses out of situations where their health and welfare is compromised.

If you are new to registering horses, call an AHA Customer Service Representative at 303-696-4500 to get all your questions answered. Horses eligible for this short-time discount must be two years of age or older and meet registration requirements. You may also visit for more information.






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