Tucker Trail Saddles, the official saddle of the American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA), will present the Tucker Gaited Award for the 2014-2015 season to any gaited horse that accumulates 100 points over his lifetime in ACTHA events.
The Tucker Gaited Award is dedicated to any horse that is gaited, to showcase the amazing abilities of the gaited horse, and give recognition that every horse can be a versatile trail horse. The award distinguishes the effort put forth by the horse and rider team with a brand new Tucker trail saddle of choice. Select models are available with Tucker’s FB tree fits made specifically for a flatter barreled horse–conformation typically seen in gaited breeds. Tucker will help the winning rider decide which tree fit is best suited for the gaited horse. “This amazing award of a Tucker saddle ranks on the top tiers in value for our prestigious medals program,” states Carrie Scrima, ACTHA Founder.
To earn the points necessary to win the Tucker Gaited Award, riders must compete at the casual and fun Competitive Trail Challenges (CTC) that are all across the U.S. and Canada. Competitors ride a six to eight mile trail and are judged at obstacles along the way. At each obstacle, the horse and rider team is awarded points based on their performance. ACTHA maintains a registry with a database of points earned by each horse. All ACTHA members ride for medal designations which marks their achievements.
“Tucker saddles have always been designed with the comfort of the gaited horse in mind with a flared bar tip for freedom of movement. It made perfect sense for Tucker Trail Saddles to recognize gaited trail horses and continue sponsoring the ACTHA Gaited award,” said Mark Jemelka, Chief Operating Officer of Tucker Trail Saddles.
The American Competitive Trail Horse Association is entering its seventh year. The dual mission of ACTHA is to promote full equine employment while raising money for horse rescues and charities. More than $500,000 has been donated directly to charity thanks to members, thousands of volunteers, and wonderful sponsor support. With all breeds and riding disciplines welcome, points accumulated through the competitive trail challenges stay with each horse for its lifetime. ACTHA has grown into a national phenomenon that has rides all across the United States. For more information on the ACTHA visit www.actha.us.
For more than 30 years, Tucker has dedicated themselves to the development, design and manufacturing of trail saddles and equipment that provide their signature Ultimate Trail Comfort for both rider and horse. Today, Tucker saddles are the standard in quality and style for trail riders. With the patented Gel-Cush shock absorbing seat incorporated into every Tucker trail saddle, riders all across the world experience ultimate comfort for hours on the trail. Tucker products are proudly made in Yoakum, Texas, and are sold through a network of authorized dealers; visit www.tuckersaddles.com to learn more.