What would you NEVER dare wear to a George Morris Clinic? What do you just KNOW he would hate? Dirty boots? Loose hair? Blingy belt? Tank top? Hot pink breeches? Trafalgar Square Books (www.horseandriderbooks.com) and George Morris invite YOU to share a selfie wearing your WORST TURNOUT EVER, and George himself will pick one (lucky?) winner!
1) Like/follow both Facebook pages: GH Morris Book and Unrelenting by George Morris. (You can also find TSB/HorseandRiderBooks on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter!)
3) Take a selfie wearing the WORST outfit you could possibly choose for a George Morris clinic and post a picture on George’s UNRELENTING Facebook page, using the hashtag #GHMWorstTurnoutEver.
4) Must not take yourself too seriously and have a good sense of humor
You must be 18 years or older and you must live in the US
Beginning date: Friday 4/15/16 at 4:30pm and ending on 4/27/16 at midnight EST
The Top 10 “Volunteer Victims” will have their photos judged by George Morris himself, with one Worst Turnout Ever crowned. The first place photo will win a signed copy of UNRELENTING, George Morris’s bestselling autobiography, and an autographed print of his/her selfie, signed by George Morris!
The runner up victim will receive a $20.00 coupon toward ordering any book on the TSB website www.HorseandRiderBooks.com.
All 10 finalists will be offered the chance to purchase an exclusive signed copy of UNRELENTING!
Ready, Set, Go Dress Badly!
For more information about this contest or UNRELENTING by George H. Morris, contact rdidier@trafalgarbooks.com.