Sometimes the best method for increasing revenue isn’t in providing additional services. Instead, it’s about promoting the services you already have available. This is the final article in a series on generating additional income at your equine facility. Check the other articles to see if there are tips there that might help you improve your bottom line.
“If people can’t find you, you can’t make money,” said Brittany L. Adams-Pope, PhD, an assistant professor in the Equine Industry Program at the University of Louisville in Kentucky.
Effective marketing requires time and money, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. And marketing the services you already offer at your equine facility might make you more money doing what you do best.
The first step is creating a website. It doesn’t have to be fancy or populated with hundreds of pages, but it should include important information such as who you are, what you do, where you are, your hours of operation, how to make a reservation and any other specifics.
“Make sure the website is easy to find and navigate,” Adams-Pope recommended.
Hiring a firm to create a website can be costly. Inexpensive templates are available and can be used by people with limited experience creating websites. Another option is to work with smaller, freelance businesses or students enrolled in web design programs. Who knows, you might have a client who would trade you rides or lessons for website development!
Marketing includes networking and making connections. Team up with travel agencies, the Chamber of Commerce and other entities with a vested interest in promoting activities in the local area. “Trail riding is always popular with people looking for fun things to do while on vacation or for date options,” Adams-Pope said.
Get Social
Whether you like social media or not, it’s here to stay and it can heavily influence your business.
“Make sure you pop up on TripAdvisor, Yelp and similar services. These are good ways to increase traffic to your facility,” Adams-Pope said.
A 2013 article published by Forbes reported that, “TripAdvisor is a leading online platform for travel-related reviews with 75+ million user reviews and opinions and 62 million monthly unique visitors.”
Before customers leave your facility make sure to ask them for feedback about their experiences on these types of online review sites. Potential visitors look to these sites and others for recommendations before booking their own excursions.
Surveys have shown that many Americans want to have experiences with horses, but don’t know where to go or what to do. Getting the word out about your business can result in expanded opportunities and improving your bottom line.
Editor’s note: We recommend that everyone riding horses should wear a helmet. No matter your policy, we recommend all riders sign waiver forms, and you need to understand the liability laws in your state.