Spring 2015 Stable Management Fees Survey

Credit: Thinkstock

Farm and stable owners are always trying to determine how to set fees that are not only fair and equitable to clients, but profitable to their equine businesses. We asked horse farm/stable owners, managers and Certified Horsemanship Association riding instructors to respond to a survey to help our readers understand the services offered in our industry and the fees charged for these services. We appreciate everyone who took part in the survey!

We know that boarding stables and farms offer the opportunity for people to own horses—or ride horses—when they don’t own a farm or ranch. No one knows how many boarding farms there are in the United States, but based on industry experience, we are assuming that many more people have horses boarded than own farms to keep them.

So what does it cost to board a horse? We searched the Internet and found answers from university websites to horse industry forums. The range seemed to run from $100 per month for not-so-nice pasture to $1,500 per month in some of the Northeastern stables with full care and fancy accouterments.

It also seemed that geographic location and the services each stable/farm provided in exchange for the board payment were key in determining the price. Of course, supply and demand are at work, and in an area where there are more people who want to board horses than there are facilities, the price probably would be higher.

Because stable and farm owners want to be reasonable, but need to make a living in order to keep their facilities open to the public, and because the topic of “fees” is always popular on our online forums, Stable Management got feedback on the fees charged and the services for which they are charged.

We published much of the following information in the Spring 2015 issue of Stable Management magazine. The link below contains additional data from the survey.

Spring 2015 Fees Survey






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